Thursday, May 7, 2009

My Top 5

Guess I don have to define the Title..

5. Nature (My terrace) : If it had been a bodhi tree for buddha,Kasi for Sathus it would definitely be my terrace for me.. (as for the getting enlightened part err.. no sign of that) I have analysed myself in various situations there.. And the trees around know my joy, pain, anger, jealousy, crush, success, failure-you name it and they know it.. and Being a virgo you tend to think a lot.. (sometimes about stuff that is imaginary and sometimes stuff that are spiritual and something stuff that doesnt make any sense at all...) and my terrace offers the best comfort and a lot of breeze and a whole bundle of wisdom about life (but the warranty is so temporary believe me that the moment I step into real life it evaporates,leaving behind a very different feeling)...

I love Music as it flows into my soul.. I cant stop moving to the music.. This could be because I enjoy dancing (im not a professional though.. so you probably wouldnt wanna see me do it injustice [:)]) I love letting myself go-care-free.. and I have a big list of songs that I love to groove to, also sing (Im not bad there though),or just listen on a rainy day or bad day or just a normal day.. They say Music heals and trust me itz so true..

Try this whenever you get time-- Lie back on a flat floor, listen to your favourite song and close your eyes while doing so.. (let me tell you-U can never explain the effect in mere words!!)
/*Do tell me how it feels like */

3.Novels (Category:Books)
For all those who associate novels with rainy days and hot samosas (with chilli sauce [:)] )-people you ve reached the wrong destination coz-I am a Book-Freak..
If you want me out of your way for sometime (I know itz harsh putting it that way-Being the sweet gal that Iam [:) ha ha] still) I would suggest you to get me a novel (preferably jeffrey Archer's or Robert Ludlum's or Arthur Hailey's). I ll forget food,water and have had many a scolding from my mom ( okie that happens when you are so involved in the story and happen to be on her way-which is like almost all the time.. )
But books played (still continue to reign in my life) a very large role in shaping my English,My communication and all the other " Wordly Knowledge" ( :) *wink* *wink*) that you can possibly gain from it..

2.Friends and Family:
I love people..
and my friends and family play a very large role in me being who I am..
My Parents have always been there for me (infact a lot more than they were for my sis [and sis I know you'd smile when you read this] ). and My Sis has been special ( I never do anything without her but the best part is that we talk about "everything under the sun" )

My Friends are people with whom I share everything.. Wonderful People who I have fun times and senti times with.. I am blessed with a handful of great friends and what more can I ask for?!!

1. .................?!!!