Sunday, September 6, 2009


I believe in soul mates..
I believe that in some part of the world is a person perfectly like you who'd fit in like the jigsaw puzzle.
That person who'd know things without even you having to explain to them and you'd feel ultimately happy when you find such a person..
And the chance of finding such a person is too remote infact more like non-existent..

But ever wondered what happens when you get to meet more than one such person in your one lifetime?????

Well legend has it that when there is a new birth your soul is formed from so many pieces from various parts of the universe that you cannot uniquely relate it to anything in particular. And because it is brought together from so many different people (as in your soul could have been a part of gladiator (in general sense a warrior) or gandhi or just a plain, nice,beautiful person [like me] :) ) - so you tend to feel the effect on you.

Also every person has an aura around them that changes its colors with its emotion - happiness,sadness,jealousy, fear and strength. They say the strength of your soul is reflected in your eyes...

And thats why it is deemed possible to meet more than one soulmate in your entire lifetime..

Also they say your soul feels the emotions of your soulmate. It can feel a bit of their pain, or pleasure or despair or a sense of fulfillment..
Explains why you feel happy or sad or even confused for no specific reason, sometimes (Well Im confused for the most part so the person responsible for a big chunk of my soul better be careful that I don't get to meet him/her :) )
And when you get to meet more than one soulmate in a lifetime they say you might experience pain.

The best Part is they even throw a hint on how to identify your soulmate(s - well soulmateS at your own risk though) :)
Simple just look into the eyes of the person
(okie for not so intelligent in reading eyes like I am there is another way I don know how far it ll work)
It says your soulmate emits a faint glow over their left shoulder
(Ha ha.. now don go looking for it - produces results varying from subtle looks to bad worded replies or even worse ha ha)

It continues to say that When you find (beats me!!) and fall in Love with (okie for that you have to be darn lucky mate!!) that soulmate- your Love frees the Soul and you tend to understand the universe and itz works better.. It also says that Magic, miracles are existent and even angels are happily singing around us, something each and every one of us can listen only if we stop and concentrate enough and pick up the omens..

Now "omens" is not a 666 movie my friends. In this context it means that God sends down a couple of well placed signals ;) e.g When you want to accomplish something and you are starting out - a butterfly flying past you is a great omen :) ( If you see one though!! or itz just as gr8 as it gets ;)
Well I think the butterfly gig sorta works coz I remember this particular day I really felt special about..
the rest??!! I wouldnt know.. Sounds feasible in a greater sense though..
Anyways even if you dont believe a word written up there you should probably pick up a Paulo Coelho (preferably brida / By the River Piedra I sat Down and Wept) - even if you don't agree with the concepts itz worth spending time with!!

P.S: For all those who think my "Single" status is going for a toss this is just to assure you that Iam perfectly fine and still enjoy the umpteen benefits of being Single... :)
Cheers till next post :)

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Im Here!!!

Hi ya people It jus feels wonderful to be back blogging.. Jus realized how much I missed it.. I’m sorry for the BIG break..

Well what’s new with me?????

Im finally a proper s/w engineer – think you can beat that? I am a part of the crowd that gets to office by ten, leaves by eight/nine, complain bout the environment (tat covers almost everything around us) and finish work (now drop that surprised face ppl we work too :) ),try making something better for yourself but don’t do anything bout it (well tats me) crowning part is people just understand you are too stressed these days (oh yeah my biggest worry is when my TL/PL will let me go for the day :D :))

But the best part is – the access card. You get to ping yourself in and out (moans?? Hey when you are a fresher with <6 months of exp your progress inside is not monitored with respect to access cards- there are other ways of judging ya buddy something I can never bring myself to understand) and the other ping that’s the chatting that you get to do with your friends ;)

And the second best is having your own cubicle.. see that works more like a second home that u snuggle into once u get to office..
You have your own space that you get out only when you want a break. And it really reflects for what you are. You see neat workspaces, spaces loaded with fancy stuff or a plain idol right beneath your system (I find Ganesh bhagwanji still rules – and can make himself comfortable anywhere).. Mine has a small ganesha and my sis's gift and a bit of work happening in my desk :D
And for those who know me real well yes I find my share of good dudes here ;)
So keep it rocking till next time and yes I hope to post a lot more soon…