Monday, March 21, 2011

The Chills and Thrills of Waiting

We All have one thing in common in our life. The Wait.

We have waited for the bus to arrive, for our friend to turn up, for our lady love (erm err the men too :D ), for our offical letters, for a particular date or even just hoping and waiting that it'd be 12.00 pm on the day of your birthday. (ha ha ask me.. I used to live that moment 6 months before that start of my b'day month!!)

Well certain 'wait's are happiest. they bring joy because you know you are going to enjoy it. the best part is the wait makes us more happy than the thing/place/happening itself.

And then there is the wait that pains. Like getting your results. They make you nervous, swings your mood. It eats up your time and your consciousness.
I am experiencing the latter. Hate the wait. Hate the 10 or so days where you have to remain patient. One moment you are confident, the next so distraught. Starry eyed, spaced-out. The sand flows noiselessly, the droplets of time slips unnoticed. The sun sets in the horizon, the pathways get dark. There is a shimer of hope, a distant candle that burns. Hope lifts its head as the night sets in and the wait continues………….