Saturday, April 30, 2011

React to this!!

Every morning I wake up I tell myself a lot of things…
I promise not to react/emote to any situation. I told myself that in two years I have seen enough to understand that S**t happens and you cannot prevent it. But you can prevent it from getting ugly. You can control your reaction to it, and the faster you try finding a solution, the faster everybody gets outta office. (Even easier is to push it right back to onsite – ha ha take that!!)
I tell myself that I will stay positive irrespective of what happens to me today. Causes there are days which start really bad then get a total make over (not unlike our desi Jassi) and end up giving you something to celebrate for. There are also days which start perfect (I mean I start early, the train comes in just as I touch the platform so I don’t have to wait and the weather gets slightly windy, my music player starts my favorite song ) and them suddenly it also takes a big U –turn
P.S: oh! Don’t ask. My TL comes back with a huge set of C and UNIX stuff to be done (me and programming are like water and wine) with a 5.00 pm deadline. Worst was this – my module was descoped. But I have been testing it chumma cause they were billing me and didn’t want me to be idle (ok I dint test much but this idle time introduced me to quite a set of yahoo and other blogs). One fine day, my manager dropped a gundu* the descoped module is the starting point of testing for two other modules that is waiting to get to CIT (component level testing). And that the deadline was the next day. So effectively I had two days to make it work. When I tried executing a code that morning it didn’t budge, irrespective of testing umpteen times (I did work a couple of times when my internet was down you know :D) I was slogging my ass off for two days trying everything I had learnt in my two years time. But nothing worked. Then one day this other lady in my team s asked to help in, she tries and lo and behold it is working. (BTW I kept asking her what she did and she said- I did NOTHING!!!beat that)
Ok back to the topic. I am writing this because I am feeling stupid. And I am feeling stupid because I couldn’t control my reaction for that one second.
Stupid cause I (am-a-urban-woman-you-cant-give-me-crap – that’s me) had a fight with a work-is-my-first-all-else-comes-next dude. My other guy friend says (quoting his exact words) “Guyz are meant to be like that. Especially, the responsible ones. See, they would want to work hard (read it as all the time) because they would want to take care of their family. Their wives will be happy. They will be financially secure. I wish I could work like that too” What is with all these guyz?
Well I have a theory (these days I have one for everything!!)
Some five years back guys had to compete only with themselves and the other guys. I guess this day, not only are they competing not only with the dames, but also the dame’s feminine beauty. (Survey says beautiful people get their way more often. [If you are a beautiful gal the deal just got better for you baby!!] Don’t believe me? Go Google!)
But our fellow guys didn’t have to worry much. The guy bonding is stronger than anything else. They have this strange understanding, that they’d take the new guy into their wing and teach them with a passion like Dronacharya and Arjuna. Even the great Don Corleone took Micheal under his wing to teach him his worldly knowledge. Plus there is these general idea that – hey man don’t sweat. She might put all that effort until she gets married. It is the guy who’ll support the company in the long run.
And we let them get away with that. (I still hope I can stop reacting everything that happens around me. Doesn’t see that happening in the near future :{ )
I only have this suggestion to all those men who consider Work more important than anything else – Call it a plea too..
I understand that work comes first. I understand work pays for your laptops, your X boxes, your fancy tees and treats. But work will not pay for your youth, nor will it give back the lost time of your lives. It will certainly not make your lady love blush like she did when she saw you first time. I am not saying you have to chuck work and leave at 6. I am saying make some time in a day for your hobbies and certainly some time for your lady. After all doesn’t she deserve an hour of your time everyday?

Gundu – in this sense means a bombshell people.