Friday, September 16, 2011

JLT's and Other stuff

Everybody here thinks I am a mature person who does not emote so much and probably takes everything in my slide :) Ha Ha.. Aint it funny?

Well there probably is a reason why they think that Marks don't affect me anymore - cause i have craved for intelligence which leads u beyond these numbers. That street smartness which cannot be limited by rattofying what you'd do to clear a quiz...

Also cause gossips don't affect and I try not to gossip too.. I mean I understand how much it hurts when you talk about another person even for fun - how harmless words can break a heart.. I don't want to indulge in something like that. And I love those JLT's(Just Like That party's) where you can let your hair down and dance as stupid and as long as possible - anything's allowed as long as you enjoy yourself!! I thoroughly do. But I have gotta learn so much here and I have not even started :D

but Back to the basics now.. Had my sis and parents and my ladies been around they'd have laughed - I mean me and responsible? you are kidding right?

Cant Wait to fill them in with the stories. Chennai I miss you and I am coming to visit you soon :*

P.S I am writing this post after a long session of Emotional Quotient and Leadership talk at the audi where I was with PV, Saarpy, Vigneshwari and swetha in that order :)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I am mere HUMAN

I had my MEM exam today.. Had studied too much yesteray.. Pbly one of the reasons I thought I'd do well today.. But didnt

But the worst part aint that. We are still fighting :( My friend's got a near PPO from a guy who manages a consulting firm (and the firm works for MWR's M) and I never received the call I was expecting to receive..

So guess what I am going to do what I do Always :) Good Nightt