Sunday, October 16, 2011

All I ask for..

Well today I realised what exactly I would want from my life, my goals – in fact more so from myself.
 1. A big hug every morning
 2. A job to toil for
 3. People to love
 4. A fabulous set of dress that will make your day, anyday
 5. A lovely pair of sandals to show off
 6. A surprise kiss, sometimes in the forehead too :)
 7. A lazy night with the stars, moon and a gentle breeze
 8. Couple of surprises in life, couple of hardships too
 9. Trust, friendship, strength and love

 As you grow older and wiser (ahem) you realise the strategic shift in priority. Things you considered not so important take a centre stage. A lot of time our decisions are affected by causes we sometimes have no clue about. At the same time it is these factors, that takes us forward in life.

Ever wondered when you stopped depending on your mommy and daddy and grew up far from them mentally? I think that stage of mine started soon after UG (it was there at UG too but I kind of had to put an end to it) I am currently doing a lot of mistakes (me and my choice of words) and learning from them too. I am in charge of myself. I know what is right and what is wrong. I am currently doing what I feel. And guess what it feels bloody great!!

(P.S wanted to elaborate more on part 6 but the location seems way outta league and I have a quiz tommorow :D)