Saturday, November 15, 2014

Feels effing Good to be back!!

This blog has been my journal. My tag of good memories and bad. someday I will look back into all that was this blog - all the emotions that were poured in to color these pages and I know one thing for certainty - I would never regret creating something like this.. Ever!

But even among reasons there is a king reason. I got my heart broken. By a boy. By a boy who didnt think was capable of it. See the thing is this. There is a self obsessed part in the corner of the heart feels so much pain. You are subconsciously affected by it. You dream of this pain. You cry out loud. then it subsides; only to come tumbling over like a wave or a waterfall.

It gets better and then gets worse. colossal damage happens when you stop feeling; all feeling that you were liable to feel. It writhes away to glory.

Realization dawns; Sisyphus was no ordinary man! Neither are we.

Life goes on!!