Thursday, November 11, 2010

Long Time... really Loooong Time

well hi :)

I understand that it has been a really long time since I said hi. Would you believe if I tell u work takes its toll? (OK neither would I)

I am on a 3 week vacation - to prepare for CAT one last time!! Funny alright but somehow this time the exam seems to have more importance in my life than all other times - maybe because all of my life's answers are here.
Im 23 and frankly I dont know what I want in my life. Do I want to be one of those hot-shot business woman in classic formals - short hair - great attitude-cool laptop and high accent tones? (ha ha you bet!!!) do I want to be one of those over acheiving-night staying-social life nil-IT professional? or be a nice work-life-balancing woman who's losing most of her friends to marriage and might be pushed to do so one day?
Yup you heard it right. this is also the age where if you are a guy, most of your college-mates or work pals (gals in both the cases, fellas) inviting you for their marriage. if you are a Gal then things get even tough for you.. You will be put in a phase where most of those that you know or where close with are getting married. Most of the gal-get-togethers will talk bout the guys that they have seen in pics or straight or how the process went or how nice he is - with a very obvious hint of shyness and fair display of rosy cheeks seen so many times in those rom com movies. Worse still if they are engaged or about-to-be.
Do I hate that? Heck no. The part I hate is this... the discussion slowly turns to hey how bout you? I try looking bored and say marriage? well Im not sure if I want something like that now...
That does it. they drown you with advices on why you should get married before you turn 25, talk bout everything from financial stability to support and life and all that. the less patient friend mocks you right out saying ha ha planning for a sixtieth marriage directly? Wow real funny huh?
Here's the real deal...

I totally believe in marriage. But not now? See I have not figured out what I want to be. I dont know what exactly I like. All I ask for is 2 years of time - to be more mature and understand and come in terms with life.
And thats why I need to crack CAT this time (BTW my exam's on 19th the next friday). To escape form all of this and much more. (and to become that hotshot businesswoman I was talking about ppl ;) )

1 comment:

Benny said...

Hey gud post..Feeling so happy that someone s as confused as I'm.. ;-)so how was ur exam..even I wrote the exam on d same date..hopefully for the last time :)Wish to read more of u r blogs!