Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Me and XIMB

My dear darling blog
I know I am updating you after a long time. I am sorry. It is just that today I come before you and I hope that someday when I read this blog post again, wonder where the hell did I go wrong(again!!).
I will give you a glimpse of how a normal day @ XIMB is.
You get up anywhere b/w 6.30 to 7.30 of course depends on when you sleep the day before.
You brush your teeth, rush into bath, choose your dress for the day and then leave (with your bag) for the mess.
Have breakfast – well I learnt how to eat idly & vadai with a spoon. Isn’t that great? (I mean it is fairly simple. You just have to subtly cut the little white blob on your plate, let the white watery chutney wash it down, then pick it up, dip it in sambaar and put it into your mouth. Repeat same process for vadai until done.)
Then run to class. This is where I sleep or answer or stay pro-active or even listen depending on the kinda class that happens. Earlier we used to have a break after lunch so that was used to refresh ourselves for the evening classes and beyond!! But (yaar kannu pattucho) athuvum pochu. 5-6 hrs classes.. theliyavechu theliyavechu odhaikaranga..
Atha vida koduma is the mess ka khana khazana.. Half cooked or not even cooked lady’s finger, mushroom, soya and god knows there s one more vegetable whose seeds pop in your mouth. So after class you are tired. You either browse or do an assignment or prepare for a quiz or attend committee meetings or take an X-Walk or talk to your loved ones, skype em, or think of an initiative or plainly pull over your blanket and sleep. There are guest lectures, festivals, business formals and a lot of nice guys (well a l’l desperate too but you can’t blame them for that now can u? :P)
Life here is sure different. Made me think, made me wonder. But I ponder one thing constantly.
What is it that I want and How far am I willing to go get it?
(BTW the song ondra renda from kakka kakka is playing in the background!!)

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sleep my worries Away!!

Okie I am feeling a l’l weird today. Probably because I am not the heroine of the day. Well maybe.. maybe not. I am a l’l critical today, so if my tone reflects the same do mind.

It all started on Friday, 12th of August. Had loads of laughter after a funny dig at erm.. well you-know-who s and returned back to the room. Slowly ppl started leaving home.. one by one. The corridor was almost empty. Just me and my opposite aathukara…

You see in times like these you feel like having a person close. Someone you can authoritatively call up and tell them hey I am feeling so down, do talk to me’. Or anybody you can yell at or even flirt coyly with. Nobody.. a barren feeling that
starts from your heart, wrenches your gut and leaves you feeling weird..

So I decided to do something about it. (Okie I am procrastinating and I am not going to anything about it! ) I decided to sleep my worries away.. So that’s what I am going to do now. Pull my banket over and shut the rest of the world out. Good Night l’l darling.

And baby Get over it!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Magic Mirror

The Magic Mirror

Once upon a time in a land far, far away,
There lived a peasant named (Bibhatsu) Bi
He was intelligent and he was kind
He helped so much that he stayed in everybody’s mind.

An intense famine drove them out of their village, but Bi was never scared.
He pulled his friends (young and old) and everybody that he cared.

They reached the nearby land that was ruled by a wise and a just king.
He had a beautiful daughter on whose hand there was no (wedding) ring.
But she had a wonderful treasure that was far beyond the world
She had a magic mirror, each day a new story unfurled.

This mirror can scan the air, water and land to find anything she held dear;
And the king wanted to marry off his daughter to anybody who can thwart the magic mirror.
A lot of contestants tried their luck; they flew so high and swam so deep.
But none could fool the magic mirror; they became a part of the failed heap.

Thus entered our hero, braving the nature’ spite.
The fate that had befallen, has led him to this respite.
He went to the court to meet the king and tell him his tale of woe,
But cupid intervened; he saw the princess and immediately fell in love.

The princess had the same feeling too, something she did not show,
She longed for him to win and marry him somehow.

So Bi accepted the challenge and asked for three days time.
In case he fails within that, he chose to resign (to his fate).
Thought and thought was all he did, for times so long and hard
Until the idea stuck him, so forcefully he fell on his back.

Three days later the princess checked the mirror; she searched and searched in vain.
He was neither on land, nor in the air, nor in water; Oh! What a joy she gained.

Two days later he emerged victorious, the king married them off with great pomp and joy
Bi became the king, princess became the queen and all his friends sang ahoy.

Where did you go? – The young bride cooed,
How did you manage a really challenging feat?
To which he beamed at her and replied
Darling, I was right under your feet.