Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Magic Mirror

The Magic Mirror

Once upon a time in a land far, far away,
There lived a peasant named (Bibhatsu) Bi
He was intelligent and he was kind
He helped so much that he stayed in everybody’s mind.

An intense famine drove them out of their village, but Bi was never scared.
He pulled his friends (young and old) and everybody that he cared.

They reached the nearby land that was ruled by a wise and a just king.
He had a beautiful daughter on whose hand there was no (wedding) ring.
But she had a wonderful treasure that was far beyond the world
She had a magic mirror, each day a new story unfurled.

This mirror can scan the air, water and land to find anything she held dear;
And the king wanted to marry off his daughter to anybody who can thwart the magic mirror.
A lot of contestants tried their luck; they flew so high and swam so deep.
But none could fool the magic mirror; they became a part of the failed heap.

Thus entered our hero, braving the nature’ spite.
The fate that had befallen, has led him to this respite.
He went to the court to meet the king and tell him his tale of woe,
But cupid intervened; he saw the princess and immediately fell in love.

The princess had the same feeling too, something she did not show,
She longed for him to win and marry him somehow.

So Bi accepted the challenge and asked for three days time.
In case he fails within that, he chose to resign (to his fate).
Thought and thought was all he did, for times so long and hard
Until the idea stuck him, so forcefully he fell on his back.

Three days later the princess checked the mirror; she searched and searched in vain.
He was neither on land, nor in the air, nor in water; Oh! What a joy she gained.

Two days later he emerged victorious, the king married them off with great pomp and joy
Bi became the king, princess became the queen and all his friends sang ahoy.

Where did you go? – The young bride cooed,
How did you manage a really challenging feat?
To which he beamed at her and replied
Darling, I was right under your feet.

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