Thursday, April 23, 2009

My Poem To My SIS

Tides ebb and flow
my Times are high and low
without YOU my life has been slow
And the sheen has lost its glow!!
far above my sky is dull and grey
oh! sadness, i ve fallen itz prey!!
Im looking for the hopeful ray,
That will keep my worries at bay!

The stars points me to unseen yonder,
Where does it lead-I can only wonder!
All I can do is to wait and see-
Nothing’s gonna change,hey its jus me!
I know this poem is stupid and funny
But it doesn’t matter as long as it makes you smile honey!
i want you to listen to something true-

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My Blonde Moments!!

I believe every human being is entitled to their own blonde moments.. I tend to think that it is moments like these that make life worthwhile.. (what other choice do we have anywayz)

FYI-My hair Color is Black (pun not intended!!)

(for all those who cant make it out -This is supposedly a collection of all the stupid things I did-the level of stupidity clearly differing from stage to stage)

* I would have probably been 3 years old when this happened..

I have a sis who is 4 years elder to me and pretty dear to me that I used to follow her around where ever she went [I even used to enjoy dropping her off to school until I had to wear that uniform myself :( ].. It was on one such day when our house gate was open (I could never reach it, mind you!) and I continued my usual ritual of following my sis around.. I would have walked to the end of our road in some 7 minutes or so when the grocery shop owner there (our family friend) called me and gave me a candy.. Happy with the candy I totally forgot my ritual..

My parents then came searching for me all worried and afraid - relieved to find me in that grocery shop.. Seems like I had been following someone else around...

How would I find the difference if this gal I had been following has the same color skirt my sis has?!!!

* Next best incident I remember is running in front of a car that was just getting out of the parking lot.. I had run all the way out with the car chasing right behind me only to realize I had been in itz way all along..

I would have been in my 5th std - We were holidaying somewhere-staying in a hotel - choose to go sight seeing- get to the parking lot to get into the car..

The best part is I was holding my father's hand until I saw the car coming and then released my hand from his grip (he was jus trying to prevent me from doing somethin as stupid as I then did :) and I ran all the way out to parking lot....

* It was one heavy rain season.. Our street was flooding with water and hadn't dried up even after 2 days of sun showing up.. But my school allows sandal option for these rainy seasons only upto 2 days.. So on the 3rd third I was all ready with my white socks and black shoes.. And the water was flowing too... My parents were shouting suggestions bout I should remove my socks and shoes so they ll be dry when i cross the pool and put them back later on..

Half listening to them (Me being the good gal) removed my socks kept my shoes on and braved the water..

Result?! I had dry sock, a wet shoe and a bunch of people laughing at my innocence ?!!!!

Even when I was young I had so many innovative & curious doubts that nobody else can never think of.. Sample this - I asked my parents Which day does 'Good Friday' fall on?!!!

Recently I met my senior working in the same company as i was.. We caught up with a lot of stuff and her Colleagues caught up with her (note this point - FATE must be smiling at me right now) before she left she asked me what domain you are in.. Too worked up about the knowledge I had obtained I replied with great confidence - Retail..

Her colleagues threw a nasty look at me and she goes all like - no ,no! im asking something that relates with languages like java, C, DataBase and I grin sheepishly and say- .net

Im sure Uperwale is Rolling on the Floor and Laughing

Courtesy: ME !!!


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

My GalGang!!

I recently met up with my best Friends from College - the gals with whom I spent a significant part of my Life, who shaped me and taught me various things at different point of Time..
I call them SG-Y-P...
SG - Thala..
I met her the First Day of my college.. Infact even before I saw college I saw her.. She was sitting on the wooden bench in my station (we used to get to college by train).. To be truthful I didnt even hear her name properly (learnt her name on the second day though :) ) We talked all through our journey of about an hour and were surprised to see both of us put up in the same class (the first semester classes are generally a mix of students from all departments..), and even more so when I heard she had chosen the same dept too.. We grew close in 6 months irrespective of the fact that she was sitting with different people and so was I (Hey I am a proud back-bencher)
SG was a strong gal.. She taught me the joys of Bunking college. I still remember my first time- Exactly the friday of the third week of my college - her mind was set, her bag packed,but I was afraid.. She gave me a scolding(closed my ears for that one!!),packed my bags and in a jiff got me out.. We have bunked a lot of afternoons to watch movies, just to talk or go back home and sleep.. She had the maturity of the elder sibling but always had fun with the rest of us.. Had a great passion for dancing,singing.. Her best aspect was her skills in Mehendi (We won a competition in college)

If you had told me Y and I were gonna be best buddies I would have laughed at you big time.. coz all we did the first few months we met were to fight.. Y was more like me - and we used to fight for the silliest of things.. and we have never given that up entirely..
Y had a great dress-sense.. She looked pretty homely too (infact she had so many secret admirers). She had this cool head in her shoulders (something very useful coz Im a big nervous nut ). Infact she and SG shared a passion for dance-they made a great team.. She was a mix of characters-she'd be your honey bear when she likes you and quite opposite so when she doesnt..
Very Studious though - we get to our college by 7 for a 10 o'clock exam just to listen the content of the 3 units we had left.. I ve passed many a exam because of the gals combined effort :)
she ll give you great advice (ha ha sorry Y, ButI still remember us sitting in canten talking about ''Worldly Stuff'')

Imagine a normal day in college(forget the classes they never happen [:)] ) the last bench thats way far from the board.. Our day begins with each of us wondering what to talk about stumbling on a wierd topic and going places from there.. Our bench was foster house where we had lunch (our's and other's), played, slept, drew, and lots more..

P joined us near the end of the second year and She was the fourth accomodation to our bench... One thing that strikes about P is the absence of fear. She is bold - nothing worries her.. She gets to college by 8.45 (my college starts 15 mins earlier) and that has been her ritual right from the first day(even in first year when we hadnt grown out of school disciplinary system) She has zero stage fright, made great presentations and a silent spectator in most of our gal-chats..

In fact these gals were my pillar of strength for so many days in so many ways.. There is no topic under the sun that we have not talked about.. We had our bad-times too, our shortcomings, jealousy, anger, disappointment but I think they just made our bond even more stronger..

When I look Back Im just Glad I found these gals - This is my way of thanking you for whatever you have done..
Love Ya ForEver

Saturday, April 11, 2009

My favourite part from the movie- 10 Things I hate About You!!

I hate the way you talk to me, and the way you cut your hair.

I hate the way you drive my car, I hate it when you stare.

I hate your big, dumb combat boots and the way you read my mind.

I hate you so much it makes me sick — It even makes me rhyme.

I hate the way you're always right. I hate it when you lie.

I hate it when you make me laugh — Even worse when you make me cry.

I hate it that you're not around. And the fact that you don't call.

But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you — Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Change Changed ME !!

You ve Changed!!!
This is what Every Single of my college friends who see me in the company keep telling me..
I ll tell you the reason behind it.. Itz rather simple too...
If you had seen me in my college days you would be amazed to see a rather conservative-looking girl who wears her dupatta not unlike draping a shawl in bitter cold!!
I had comparitively longer hair and I usually don't like to leave it open so It'd either be plaited or pony-tailed (both make me look geeky-dorky types)
We had a close group that I'd move with so not many people knew me!!
Obviously was mistaken for being arrogant (he he,Im really good you know!!) and I was way less confident.
I cut my hair-Itz shoulder high now so I enjoy letting it free.
I developed my confidence like some 60%
I dressed up in clothes that Im comfortable in (I love kurti's - short and long - with formal pants)
I learnt irrespective of whatever you do people will still criticise you so why not do the the thing that you love and be criticised - It works yaar!!
I learnt that you can be all alone and still not be bored!!
I learnt that to learn something you have to ask questions-Even if they are darn Stupid..
I learnt that you have the right to TRY and FAIL (thank you Mrs.Vatsala Narasimhan!!)
Last but not least I learnt to love music...

Oh, Yes!!! I have Changed
Afterall I am a different person now..

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

My Day Today

Well today was a typical day-something thats become my routine like nearly a month now-

went to office,

chatted with friends,

listened to class in between,

had lunch (well to all those that do not know.. lunch happens to be a pompous affair for us coz thats wen we get to-gether)

got back to class ,

/* played Truth or Dare (had so much fun coz thats when you get to know a lot about a lot of people!! and honestly we did get to know a lot about each other.. )

then celebrated a friend's birthday at cafeteria*/ and

rushed to catch the bus back home (stopped the bus-Litertally!!)

/* - stuff that doesnot happen everyday(Well we play everyday with variation in levels of fun and we celebrate 25 birthdays that are spread over a year!! [the luckier ones get it during the training period and the rest later!!!] :-)

We are a batch of 25 people with varied interests(the sad part-most of the batch is committed!! sigh :(
but we are a great group and the building where my training happens plays host to a lot of companies-silver lining in my grey cloud huh!!)
Right now We as a gang are enjoying our days-there is training going on by the side of course but the stress part comes near the end of the month so until then follower our thailvar's principle-
"Sagara naal therinja Vaazhara naal naragamagidum" ;)
(roughly translates to life will become hell if you know wen u are gonna die so enjoy now!!)

Cheers till next time !!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

This is ME-the confused version

As I sit before my blog a lot of things just cruise aroud in my mind!! I sip my lemonade and think of the latest thing that bothered me and I realize Im letting myself be bothered by so many things that would not even be a part of my equation in 2 days time...

To cut the long story short I let myself worry until my hair colors grey overnight [:)]

I worry about saying the right things(But mostly end up doing the opposite...)

I worry about giving the right impression(to be honest I end up messing it too!!!)

I worry about my actions-if I might have indirectly affected someone.

I worry about taking right decisions.

I worry about crafting right Practises.

I worry about using the right words, meaning exactly what I wish to mean(Tough Luck!!)

Infact I relate the one-liner to my life that goes like- From the Frying pan Right into the Fire..

Im yet to realize that there is nothing called the RIGHT way-It is either learning from your wrong ways or not learning at all..