Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My Blonde Moments!!

I believe every human being is entitled to their own blonde moments.. I tend to think that it is moments like these that make life worthwhile.. (what other choice do we have anywayz)

FYI-My hair Color is Black (pun not intended!!)

(for all those who cant make it out -This is supposedly a collection of all the stupid things I did-the level of stupidity clearly differing from stage to stage)

* I would have probably been 3 years old when this happened..

I have a sis who is 4 years elder to me and pretty dear to me that I used to follow her around where ever she went [I even used to enjoy dropping her off to school until I had to wear that uniform myself :( ].. It was on one such day when our house gate was open (I could never reach it, mind you!) and I continued my usual ritual of following my sis around.. I would have walked to the end of our road in some 7 minutes or so when the grocery shop owner there (our family friend) called me and gave me a candy.. Happy with the candy I totally forgot my ritual..

My parents then came searching for me all worried and afraid - relieved to find me in that grocery shop.. Seems like I had been following someone else around...

How would I find the difference if this gal I had been following has the same color skirt my sis has?!!!

* Next best incident I remember is running in front of a car that was just getting out of the parking lot.. I had run all the way out with the car chasing right behind me only to realize I had been in itz way all along..

I would have been in my 5th std - We were holidaying somewhere-staying in a hotel - choose to go sight seeing- get to the parking lot to get into the car..

The best part is I was holding my father's hand until I saw the car coming and then released my hand from his grip (he was jus trying to prevent me from doing somethin as stupid as I then did :) and I ran all the way out to parking lot....

* It was one heavy rain season.. Our street was flooding with water and hadn't dried up even after 2 days of sun showing up.. But my school allows sandal option for these rainy seasons only upto 2 days.. So on the 3rd third I was all ready with my white socks and black shoes.. And the water was flowing too... My parents were shouting suggestions bout I should remove my socks and shoes so they ll be dry when i cross the pool and put them back later on..

Half listening to them (Me being the good gal) removed my socks kept my shoes on and braved the water..

Result?! I had dry sock, a wet shoe and a bunch of people laughing at my innocence ?!!!!

Even when I was young I had so many innovative & curious doubts that nobody else can never think of.. Sample this - I asked my parents Which day does 'Good Friday' fall on?!!!

Recently I met my senior working in the same company as i was.. We caught up with a lot of stuff and her Colleagues caught up with her (note this point - FATE must be smiling at me right now) before she left she asked me what domain you are in.. Too worked up about the knowledge I had obtained I replied with great confidence - Retail..

Her colleagues threw a nasty look at me and she goes all like - no ,no! im asking something that relates with languages like java, C, DataBase and I grin sheepishly and say- .net

Im sure Uperwale is Rolling on the Floor and Laughing

Courtesy: ME !!!


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