Wednesday, April 8, 2009

My Day Today

Well today was a typical day-something thats become my routine like nearly a month now-

went to office,

chatted with friends,

listened to class in between,

had lunch (well to all those that do not know.. lunch happens to be a pompous affair for us coz thats wen we get to-gether)

got back to class ,

/* played Truth or Dare (had so much fun coz thats when you get to know a lot about a lot of people!! and honestly we did get to know a lot about each other.. )

then celebrated a friend's birthday at cafeteria*/ and

rushed to catch the bus back home (stopped the bus-Litertally!!)

/* - stuff that doesnot happen everyday(Well we play everyday with variation in levels of fun and we celebrate 25 birthdays that are spread over a year!! [the luckier ones get it during the training period and the rest later!!!] :-)

We are a batch of 25 people with varied interests(the sad part-most of the batch is committed!! sigh :(
but we are a great group and the building where my training happens plays host to a lot of companies-silver lining in my grey cloud huh!!)
Right now We as a gang are enjoying our days-there is training going on by the side of course but the stress part comes near the end of the month so until then follower our thailvar's principle-
"Sagara naal therinja Vaazhara naal naragamagidum" ;)
(roughly translates to life will become hell if you know wen u are gonna die so enjoy now!!)

Cheers till next time !!!

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