Saturday, March 28, 2009

G O D !!

Do you Believe in GOD?

Take two minutes to answer that question..
and FYI: Im not an Atheist!!

And before you decide I just wanted to share 2 wonderful stories!!

The First one:

A four-year-old child, whose next door neighbor was an elderly gentleman, who had recently lost his wife. Upon seeing the man cry, the little boy went into the old gentleman's yard, climbed onto his lap, and just sat there.

When his mother asked him what he had said to the neighbor, the little boy just said, 'Nothing, I just helped him cry.'

The Second one:

An eye witness account from New York City , on a cold day in December, some years ago: A little boy, about 10-years-old, was standing before a shoe store on the roadway, barefooted, peering through the window, and shivering with cold.

A lady approached the young boy and said, 'My, but you're in such deep thought staring in that window!''I was asking God to give me a pair of shoes,'was the boy's reply-The lady took him by the hand, went into the store, and asked the clerk to get half a dozen pairs of socks for the boy.

She then asked if he could give her a basin of water and a towel. He quickly brought them to her. She took the little fellow to the back part of the store and, removing her gloves, knelt down, washed his little feet, and dried them with the towel.By this time, the clerk had returned with the socks. Placing a pair upon the boy's feet, she purchased him a pair of shoes. She tied up the remaining pairs of socks and gave them to him. She patted him on the head and said, 'No doubt, you will be more comfortable now.'

As she turned to go, the astonished kid caught her by the hand, and looking up into her face, with tears in his eyes, asked her . 'Are you God's wife?'

Decided Yet?!!!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Define Strength -

Light at the other End of the Tunnel!!
Imagine yourself in a position where You find yourself travelling on a serene road... There is no tension or confusion-not even a drop of worry.. you are enjoying the wonderful scenery.. lost in itz sheer beauty. there are trees on either side of the road that are branched out enough to block most of the sunlight out of your eyes.. Itz sufficiently cool with a light breeze.. You walk down the road and suddenly the trees are less, the roads barren, the sun hot and the path rough...

The sudden change stirs up different emotions in me- part of me is adventurous, the other part a l'l scared to accept the change. But Instinct urges me forward and my steps are Cautious.. Im reminded of my earlier mistakes and I fervently hope I dont repeat them again..

But deep down Something tells me this will pass- I will enjoy this road just like I did the one before..

We all have these stages in life- Remember when we were in Kindergarden-Our parents dropped us at school- hey I was great until she dropped in in-until I found everybody around me crying.. I cried too my mom left me..(heck I don't even the way back home!! and my burly teacher didnt help either [:)] )

But We moved on at school and made friends and fought over perfumed rubber.. Those teacher's-pet days, rivalry, four lined notebook, home-lunch,G K one-word mug ups, map-place identifications...
Now I wouldnt honestly say I loved school but it sorta grew up on me that I couldnt let myself take a holiday coz I didnt want to miss the action.. Made 100 sack load of mistakes.. found wrong friends- there is this one time when we were in standard 4- we had a girl who was tall and she headed a gang, To be a part of her friend list was an honor in itself.. I was her Best Friend for years but one day she looked the other way!! Today she is a gal that is totally opposite of what she used to be-though we are never as good friends as we were but Life moved on and I found others..

Then it was when I stepped into my college- no idea of what ragging will be(though enthusiastically looking forward to it becoz it is a great way to break ice b/w seniors and juniors..) - But would you believe me if I tell you my seniors-as a part of ragging-made me finish their records especially the one with complex structural designs (that Im sure even they didnt understand!!).. But once again- I never loved college- It grew upon me to such a level that I acually missed college real bad after I got out of it.. Strange But True..

Again 10 months was bliss but my worry-bear caught up with me when I joined the company.. But hey if I have not learnt anything in the past 20 years I havent done much right.. So I decided to change one thing that I didnt know would change my Life..

People call it Attitude (Big word that scares me) - But I prefer to call it looking at life..

I read somewhere- You cannot always choose what you get in life.. But You can Always choose to like it.

So did I see a Change- too early to say- But Im enjoying every moment of life.. I keep telling myself Im going to win this thing no matter how hard I have to work.. I keep telling myself that this phase will pass..

If you ask me what Strength is I would tell you Itz not the lack of fear!!

It is the ability to make right decisions and go ahead with it-irrespective of the fear that might pull us down!!!

I have fear-I am afraid too - but hey Go Ahead and put up a bold face irrespective of your fears becoz nobody can tell the difference [:)]!!!!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Tell Me what This is...

First of all I would like to thank people who had written comments about my article- Its gud to recieve 'em..
Now to my story..
It was Friday and I m sitting in my Company bus all alone-no mp4 to listen to-no books to read- all bored.. Im praying for a friend or some stranger who might give me company till I get home..
Then I open my eyes I see a guy taking up a seat next to mine..
He wants to know if the bus will go to his area- I say yes and with a little arrogance of knowing somthing the other person doesnt knw I ask him- Is it your first day?
He tells me- In his bus,Yes!!
I take a peek at his card-seems different from mine!! So I ask him- How long have you been with the company, He says- 5 years(You should have seen the look on my face!! I felt sheepish coz I had been there for 5 days only!!!)
Said he was in Onsite for 2 years then he's come here will go there again in a few months..
I get my sense back a l'l now so I ask him- Where is this place that you have been to, He says-Chicago, so I go like-Ha! U.S.-Everytbody dream destination.. he smiles and we continue talking for some more time about U.S, his job,my training, the stress involved, the domain,the recession and stuff like that..
Then the topic moves on to how weekends become pretty important now that you ll be working for all 5 days and what we generally do on weekends..
He's a typical software typo who speaks with a pretty low voice that betrays no emotion..
So by now We are nearing the place where I have to get down!! I wish him all the Best on his ventures and he wishes me all the best on my training
and then he says- I cant come everyday in this Bus because My work keeps me busy but I guess I can manage coming in this one every friday..
I ws thinking like ha ha What?!! Am I listening Right?
Hey Krishna!! What a way to end the week..
To be Truthful I do not now if I might ever see him again but It was a wonderful adventure that I wanted to share it here..
P.S: Fridays don come early do they?!! [:( ] [;)]
Happy Weekend and a Great Week there-after..

My First Corporate Week

I joined the corporate world this monday-the 16th of march!!
What a week it had been...
We are a batch of 55 people who reported on the first day to our venue-we were a mix of people from chennai,bangaloru,punjab,kerala and so.. the morning half went as we had to complete signing the agreements and code of conduct and more confidentiality documents and stuff like that..
We were a confined group that stuck with our friends from our college- nobody made intro's till afternoon(aftre the complementary lunch in the cafeteria!!). I guess even that intro stuff was our HR's idea(He was one metro sexual guy who bravely wore pink!! and sorta flirty cute [:)] )
Then we played virtual volleyball-I was the proud Cap'n of one team and my schoolmate the Cap'n of he other-they WON!!!! but it was in itself so much fun!!
Then we played two more games then the banks took over- we opened an account and we were off for the day!!
The next day we were seperated into batches- There were 30 in my batch- and the next two days was something called "Corporate Survival Skills" workshop- 2 full active days to get to know your team and batch mates.. we told a story-made presentations-adjusted to each other- pulled each other's leg- kept making new teams-made paper boats in teams-analyzed case studies-made a 3D car from purely chart papers and sketch pens!! Two days of pure fun and ecstacy!!

Then they changed our batch again-this time I was reshuffled to a new one along with 12 of my team-mates.. We felt really bad and I guess this seperation brought us even closer!! We lunched together and met up and chatted whenevr possible..
In between all of these experiences I have had a chance to get to know people even more better- there is guy who was in my school till 10th then left it to join somether school and college and when we got to gether again I was amazed to see a Sea of change in him- He was a person who used to be a sorta rough in school(pretty lazy and arrogant and would never submit home-work or class-work[Im a miss-goody-two-shoes]) Now he is a confident guy that knew what he wanted, someone with a great attitude and the enthusiasm to enjoy life and to love evrything it provides you!!
Also there is there are guys like- comedian, calm at first but seriously funny guy who cracks jokes with his face straight and damn calm-nothing gets him worked up, a studious guy who does roadies kinda strategic planning(likes all-speaks to all- but trusts nobody!!!) and the gals- like one who is outgoing-has trillion friends and makes more, one who is a calm,spiritual thing and a few intelli people and a few more..
The first week has been great.. Im hoping to fall in love with Everything life offers Me Too!!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The M- word

You guessed it right. (For all those who cant-itz a word that is synonym with commitment,adjustment, growing up). why did this come up inbetween? Well I definitely have a good reason for that-trust me in this one(okay maybe you cant- but hey this is my blog so just go with my flow right?)!! I had been to the wedding of one of the gals in my gang. The truth being hers is not the first one. We had 2 other gals get married sometime in the last 3 months-one of these gals literally gave me a shock when she sent me her marriage invitation coz my impression of her was that she was ambitious,flirty (healthy flirts-and stays within her limits) and modern, independent(totally my point of view). I thought she would want to work for a year or so-meet more guys:) then find herself someone suitable- I was proved wrong. She's married and happy in U.S. and mainly doesnt have any regrets(I think so).

This particular friend of mine has a different story. Her's is a love marriage. They knew each other for some two years even though they were family friends(the guy was in s'pore I guess that would explain the reason they ve not crossed each other's paths long before). they spoke on the pretext of her joining a MS course abroad and the relationship grew- their parents were happy enough to learn bout the guy in s'pore-got her married off. I would not say she's not happy But I think she's young atleast a l'l.

Now Im not a hater of marriages but I for one can never understand the concept behind them. be it Love marriage or Arranged ones. Both seem just the same except the fact that in the first one you have a inkling of what you are getting into-the second (ha ha!!) you simply cant imagine at all.

So Why do we get married?

There is a dialogue in the flick-"Shall We Dance" and it goes somewhat like this- "Itz not bout love or passion that drives us to get married. Sometimes we feel so lonely i this big planet that you want to have someone witness your life, someone to say I share your life, I am proof of your happiness,your sadness,your victory,your defeat, everything that you go through in life. Thats why we get married" ha how true!!

The next question my friend(with whom Im discussing the whole thing) asks me- So you think there is no concept of true love?

Before I can answer that I wish to confess that Im a big fan of "mills and boons" novels. the writing makes you go weak in the knees, makes you think of all good things life has to offer like cotton candies, rainbows, candle-light dinners, undying love- hey it doesnt help when you are writing a blog and still have after-effects of watching the movie -"While you were Sleeping". I like romantic flicks too.. end up going awww at the end of every happy ending and sometimes wish I could find myself a hunk who's rich, tall,dark and handsome,who will falll hopelessly in love with me and always do the right things(translate it to things I expect!!). Ha fair Chance m'Lady!!

The truth is I realize within a hour of my after-effects wearing away I can never spend my life with the ideal guy-coz that situation wants you to be a ideal feminine.. I can never be that(heck thats why itz called ideal right!!) I have my own faults-everybody does.

I know of so many of my friends who if given a choice would get married to their close friends (of opposite gender people!!! [:)]) just because they are comfortable with them. And frankly I think you fall in love with a person when you realize that you want to spend the rest of your life with them. So when you don't end up with the one you choose you probably feel bad, but time heals and before you realize you find yourself happy with this new person who understands you too-just in a different way.

Okie to the true love question!

I have a theory- I get up in the morning and have a ritual of walking in my terrace until the sun gets in my eyes. I was terribly afraid of crows(I still am) and there is this one dark thing that sits near our dish and keeps staring at me. Initially I was irked by its presence but slowly it grew up on me.. somedays I wouldnt see it all and somedays it would be there waiting for me.. I missed it when it didnt come-Yes I fell inlove with a crow [:)].

So here's the theory researched and developed by me- When you are constantly with someone it grows into a habit. When you lose them or when they go away it feels bad-but you always find someone new to share yourself with. and I believe every time you do that is true love. It doesnt come once and hey If you ask me its okay to have a couple of special people[not the same time folks]-itz afterall one life to live you know!!

And if people were to only marry the ones they love then only 10% of people would have a family!! (coz I read in a survey that 10% of lovers get successfull and end up in marriage-subject to increase in this GEN!!)

Just someone who will be there to say hey! nothing is lost and Itz ok to make mistakes-We will enjoy them(irrespective of the damage they ve done).

Someone with whom you can laugh about your own mis-givings,

Someone with whom you can act silly and still enjoy it,

Someone you can turn to when you feeling terribly low or high, Someone who's comfortable with you and you are comfortable with even when the both of you find yourself at the end of the world!! (too much of mills and boons influence [:)] ).

totally my point of view-tell me Am i asking much?

Monday, March 9, 2009

My third phase of life-CAT- An Experience that changed Me

Now back to where i left out!! It was March 08- I was returning home from a when my cousin brother had dropped in. He is a guy with some 10 yrs of work-ex in IT combined with trips to belgium,france,hongkong. Infact he was the first person in our family to work for a s/w concern and get a 5 digit salary and is intelligent-so itz normal that we juniors look up to him(plus he looks a lot cuter too). He and I shared a Great brother-sister relationship coz of 2 reasons-1. I talk a lot and he doesnt,2. We are like-minded and share a bond that brings a teacher-student together-he talks,I listen.

We were talking about various fields,about corporates, IT fields and the topic somehow turned to my future goals and ambitions and bout my plans for higher studies. We were talking bout Management and itz benefits.. Well the urge to MBA seed was sown!! We decide that i would talk to a few people who had done their MBA and also consult some of the coaching institutes that offer CAT/XAT courses. The Final decisition would be mine.
As I started gathering info I found losing myself to this parellel world that I was so long oblivious to. I was attracted to CAT-Infact I wouldnt stop talking about it. I wanted to be a part of the community.. I said to myself if I am going to do anything with my Life-This Is It.
CAT became my obsession. But I had my set of hurdles too....

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Job cuts and more

The article is something I read this morning was about how half a million jobs were being cut-and how India will have to take them in her folds,provide them with some kind of assistance to stay afloat. The situation sounds grim. What worries me is the plight of people who lose their jobs without prior notice and those who wake up to go to work everyday with constant fears as to what might happen today?
I also read about an article in a weekly that explained two senarios-1. A couple working in s/w industry lose their jobs nearly same time. The guy feels bad about having to treat his children to staple food like rice instead of their daily accoustomed pizza, burger and the rest.
2. A project Lead loses his job,has a pregnant wife back home with no money to spend. They had stayed hungry for some one and a half days before they could find help.
Tell me what does the above tell us?
1. Are our morals blind-folded by the desire the kind of money software offers that irrespective of knowing that it might not stay for long we are still in the business?
2. Have we forgotten the rules of Spending-saving?
No Im not against the s/w industry that has given our country progress and brought a increase in our stature of living. But are we sane enough-not to let it control our minds?


So there I was lookin like a duck that had lost itz family when one of the gals came up to me and invited me to the last bench coz she thought I looked like a chicken in a grvy pot-ready to be eaten anytime :). I hesitantly took up her offer(Im galad I did). the rest of the day was all about chitter-chatter and gossip.
The one thing good about belonging to a section of under-performers is that your faculty have no-expectations from you- Infact they are glad to find you attending their class [doesnt matter much if you sleep through the entire recital :)]. We bunked classes-watched a lot of movies,spent all our money on canteen food, never completed assignments, never completed lab-portions and had the License to flirt with all the good-looking-canteen-staying- (the list never ends :D).

My buddies-this is for you

Our class had a strength of 60 and we had 2 sections totally accounting to 120.. and Yup we were divided. It was the form form of dividng students-Using Merit. The 60+studs who cleared their first year subjects without any arrears were put up in section I and the rest in section II.
Oh Come on What is college without a few set of Arrears huh?
Well our management wouldnt hear of it so here I was in sectionII. Looking around widely coz I knew no-one.
But You wouldnt believe if I tell you this was the class that I had the most of Fun, It was here I met my Best friends and It ws these people that stuck with me through thick and thin..
Guyz I thank you for everthing you have done and I love you and miss you in many ways for many days.

I took up pencil Sketching in my holidays-an expression to my Existence. No Im not philosophical though.. Our batch had more than 5 months before we could join a Engineering college so had to pick up a hobby and this came naturally..
Finally college se bulaava aa gaya tha. My college is at a travel distance of an hour and so. that remind yoursef would have been the longest distance i had travelled alone(coz I told my dad that now that I was in college I would take care of my affairs).
True-My college had taught me lessons of life-something that made me grow up look at the rest of the world in a very different perspective than the one I imagined. the Flip side was it also pushed me into a tight cellar that took me four years(and counting to get out of it).
The first Day of my College-the campus ws lush green,right next to a famous deemed university. The first years had a seperate block in a way were sheilded from the eyes of out seniors(reason 1-ragging,reason 2- hook ups(the senoirs were really friendly and more often than not we find a junior walkin with a senior alone to canteens or bus-stops and the college was not particularly fond of that!! and predominantly every class had a couple in itself or outside)). We were a Gang of 10-4 gals and 6 guyz. Became pretty good friends by the end of Week1 and were a part of the ADZAP team in happening Symposiums. But the joy was short-lived.
We were from differnent groups-some from ComputerScience(CS) ,Electronics, InformationTechnology put toghether coz the First sem ws common to all the groups!
So end of 6 months we were introduced to a new set of students with same specialization-CS. The problem was that the first 6 months a lot of people had settled down that nobody was ready to make new friends or even give it a shot in the next few weeks.. But hey Unfamiliarity breeds couriosity,gossip so thats how we got together as a class.. but Fate Struck Again!!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

My Life

I am the last child in my family. that makes me eligible to be pampered by my family-a big one mind you. So itz more like the WYSIWYG(what you see is what you get) concept with a few constraints. My thatha dropped me at school everyday until i was in grade 3. Though the school was some 5 min walk from my place, I never cared to learn the route coz I had a adult supervision-that character of mine still is the same. My school was not something you'd call strict-you can have fun if you want to.. but hey I was(I tend to believe that i still am,irrespective of those 4 yrs in coll last bench nothing has changed) very obidient. I was my teacher's pet-one other thing that i constantly was-a Dancer. I was a part of the cultural event(Dance ALways) because i love to dance and i love to bunk classes whose attendance are accounted for.


Well Im a Virgo and like all my virgo friends I find that no matter how hard I try, there is always this vacuum that none of my friends can fill-some of it my fault,I guess.Still had a bunch of people you can drop by to chat to,to confess about your crushes and jealousy(each time each person,coz itz a potential difficulty of confiding in one person that makes you so vulnerable-also you take the risk of crushing on the same person you friend crushes too!!)

I had my set of people crushing on me too.. See thats the gud part. You like someone and someone somewhere likes you too..

But the concept of Boyfrnd-Galfrnd was too alien to me at that point in time.So I was Single when I stepped into my glorious coll..

Friday, March 6, 2009

sneak-peek ;)

Im a 20+engineering graduate who made it to the corporate sector through campus interview. I had my life planned-or so I thought. the one thing worse about graduating during recession times is that even though you get ur letter there is no news about your date of wait and wait until you realize that waiting has done no good at all. so you wake up and before you are ready you recieve a call. great going huh?!

well okie i might be a l'l different coz i decided to use my break(thats how i call it-9 mnths of doing nothin becomes meaningful when you give it a name,aint it?). I enrolled for a CAT coaching class. It was an eye-opener(come on, where else do you find smart GEN-Y's coming together). The classes were great-so many short-cuts,so many realizatns,a lot of knowledge gathering and a bunch of laughs. I learnt my plus and minus. I made a couple of great friends too. I attended all those mock exams and thought i have a big deal to go before i get qualified to take up MBA. I t was true. though i made a 93% in CAT and XAT I lost out on a couple of colleges. and here iam again hopin to sit for CAT 09-going through all that process again,trying my luck. Man, I need to Get IT!!

Hi all-

My very first post. Feels great to be a part of the community.
Well Im just a Day-Dreamer, a person who thinks a lot about so many stuff around ends up enjoying the process. so the next time you are in a queue and you find someone day-dreaming think of Me
Chao for now :)