Saturday, March 21, 2009

My First Corporate Week

I joined the corporate world this monday-the 16th of march!!
What a week it had been...
We are a batch of 55 people who reported on the first day to our venue-we were a mix of people from chennai,bangaloru,punjab,kerala and so.. the morning half went as we had to complete signing the agreements and code of conduct and more confidentiality documents and stuff like that..
We were a confined group that stuck with our friends from our college- nobody made intro's till afternoon(aftre the complementary lunch in the cafeteria!!). I guess even that intro stuff was our HR's idea(He was one metro sexual guy who bravely wore pink!! and sorta flirty cute [:)] )
Then we played virtual volleyball-I was the proud Cap'n of one team and my schoolmate the Cap'n of he other-they WON!!!! but it was in itself so much fun!!
Then we played two more games then the banks took over- we opened an account and we were off for the day!!
The next day we were seperated into batches- There were 30 in my batch- and the next two days was something called "Corporate Survival Skills" workshop- 2 full active days to get to know your team and batch mates.. we told a story-made presentations-adjusted to each other- pulled each other's leg- kept making new teams-made paper boats in teams-analyzed case studies-made a 3D car from purely chart papers and sketch pens!! Two days of pure fun and ecstacy!!

Then they changed our batch again-this time I was reshuffled to a new one along with 12 of my team-mates.. We felt really bad and I guess this seperation brought us even closer!! We lunched together and met up and chatted whenevr possible..
In between all of these experiences I have had a chance to get to know people even more better- there is guy who was in my school till 10th then left it to join somether school and college and when we got to gether again I was amazed to see a Sea of change in him- He was a person who used to be a sorta rough in school(pretty lazy and arrogant and would never submit home-work or class-work[Im a miss-goody-two-shoes]) Now he is a confident guy that knew what he wanted, someone with a great attitude and the enthusiasm to enjoy life and to love evrything it provides you!!
Also there is there are guys like- comedian, calm at first but seriously funny guy who cracks jokes with his face straight and damn calm-nothing gets him worked up, a studious guy who does roadies kinda strategic planning(likes all-speaks to all- but trusts nobody!!!) and the gals- like one who is outgoing-has trillion friends and makes more, one who is a calm,spiritual thing and a few intelli people and a few more..
The first week has been great.. Im hoping to fall in love with Everything life offers Me Too!!!


u109022 said...

Nice welcome into your company. Which company have you joined ?

Me said...
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