Monday, March 9, 2009

My third phase of life-CAT- An Experience that changed Me

Now back to where i left out!! It was March 08- I was returning home from a when my cousin brother had dropped in. He is a guy with some 10 yrs of work-ex in IT combined with trips to belgium,france,hongkong. Infact he was the first person in our family to work for a s/w concern and get a 5 digit salary and is intelligent-so itz normal that we juniors look up to him(plus he looks a lot cuter too). He and I shared a Great brother-sister relationship coz of 2 reasons-1. I talk a lot and he doesnt,2. We are like-minded and share a bond that brings a teacher-student together-he talks,I listen.

We were talking about various fields,about corporates, IT fields and the topic somehow turned to my future goals and ambitions and bout my plans for higher studies. We were talking bout Management and itz benefits.. Well the urge to MBA seed was sown!! We decide that i would talk to a few people who had done their MBA and also consult some of the coaching institutes that offer CAT/XAT courses. The Final decisition would be mine.
As I started gathering info I found losing myself to this parellel world that I was so long oblivious to. I was attracted to CAT-Infact I wouldnt stop talking about it. I wanted to be a part of the community.. I said to myself if I am going to do anything with my Life-This Is It.
CAT became my obsession. But I had my set of hurdles too....

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