Saturday, March 7, 2009

My Life

I am the last child in my family. that makes me eligible to be pampered by my family-a big one mind you. So itz more like the WYSIWYG(what you see is what you get) concept with a few constraints. My thatha dropped me at school everyday until i was in grade 3. Though the school was some 5 min walk from my place, I never cared to learn the route coz I had a adult supervision-that character of mine still is the same. My school was not something you'd call strict-you can have fun if you want to.. but hey I was(I tend to believe that i still am,irrespective of those 4 yrs in coll last bench nothing has changed) very obidient. I was my teacher's pet-one other thing that i constantly was-a Dancer. I was a part of the cultural event(Dance ALways) because i love to dance and i love to bunk classes whose attendance are accounted for.


Well Im a Virgo and like all my virgo friends I find that no matter how hard I try, there is always this vacuum that none of my friends can fill-some of it my fault,I guess.Still had a bunch of people you can drop by to chat to,to confess about your crushes and jealousy(each time each person,coz itz a potential difficulty of confiding in one person that makes you so vulnerable-also you take the risk of crushing on the same person you friend crushes too!!)

I had my set of people crushing on me too.. See thats the gud part. You like someone and someone somewhere likes you too..

But the concept of Boyfrnd-Galfrnd was too alien to me at that point in time.So I was Single when I stepped into my glorious coll..

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