Sunday, March 8, 2009

My buddies-this is for you

Our class had a strength of 60 and we had 2 sections totally accounting to 120.. and Yup we were divided. It was the form form of dividng students-Using Merit. The 60+studs who cleared their first year subjects without any arrears were put up in section I and the rest in section II.
Oh Come on What is college without a few set of Arrears huh?
Well our management wouldnt hear of it so here I was in sectionII. Looking around widely coz I knew no-one.
But You wouldnt believe if I tell you this was the class that I had the most of Fun, It was here I met my Best friends and It ws these people that stuck with me through thick and thin..
Guyz I thank you for everthing you have done and I love you and miss you in many ways for many days.

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