Saturday, March 21, 2009

Tell Me what This is...

First of all I would like to thank people who had written comments about my article- Its gud to recieve 'em..
Now to my story..
It was Friday and I m sitting in my Company bus all alone-no mp4 to listen to-no books to read- all bored.. Im praying for a friend or some stranger who might give me company till I get home..
Then I open my eyes I see a guy taking up a seat next to mine..
He wants to know if the bus will go to his area- I say yes and with a little arrogance of knowing somthing the other person doesnt knw I ask him- Is it your first day?
He tells me- In his bus,Yes!!
I take a peek at his card-seems different from mine!! So I ask him- How long have you been with the company, He says- 5 years(You should have seen the look on my face!! I felt sheepish coz I had been there for 5 days only!!!)
Said he was in Onsite for 2 years then he's come here will go there again in a few months..
I get my sense back a l'l now so I ask him- Where is this place that you have been to, He says-Chicago, so I go like-Ha! U.S.-Everytbody dream destination.. he smiles and we continue talking for some more time about U.S, his job,my training, the stress involved, the domain,the recession and stuff like that..
Then the topic moves on to how weekends become pretty important now that you ll be working for all 5 days and what we generally do on weekends..
He's a typical software typo who speaks with a pretty low voice that betrays no emotion..
So by now We are nearing the place where I have to get down!! I wish him all the Best on his ventures and he wishes me all the best on my training
and then he says- I cant come everyday in this Bus because My work keeps me busy but I guess I can manage coming in this one every friday..
I ws thinking like ha ha What?!! Am I listening Right?
Hey Krishna!! What a way to end the week..
To be Truthful I do not now if I might ever see him again but It was a wonderful adventure that I wanted to share it here..
P.S: Fridays don come early do they?!! [:( ] [;)]
Happy Weekend and a Great Week there-after..

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