Sunday, March 8, 2009


So there I was lookin like a duck that had lost itz family when one of the gals came up to me and invited me to the last bench coz she thought I looked like a chicken in a grvy pot-ready to be eaten anytime :). I hesitantly took up her offer(Im galad I did). the rest of the day was all about chitter-chatter and gossip.
The one thing good about belonging to a section of under-performers is that your faculty have no-expectations from you- Infact they are glad to find you attending their class [doesnt matter much if you sleep through the entire recital :)]. We bunked classes-watched a lot of movies,spent all our money on canteen food, never completed assignments, never completed lab-portions and had the License to flirt with all the good-looking-canteen-staying- (the list never ends :D).

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