Sunday, March 8, 2009

Job cuts and more

The article is something I read this morning was about how half a million jobs were being cut-and how India will have to take them in her folds,provide them with some kind of assistance to stay afloat. The situation sounds grim. What worries me is the plight of people who lose their jobs without prior notice and those who wake up to go to work everyday with constant fears as to what might happen today?
I also read about an article in a weekly that explained two senarios-1. A couple working in s/w industry lose their jobs nearly same time. The guy feels bad about having to treat his children to staple food like rice instead of their daily accoustomed pizza, burger and the rest.
2. A project Lead loses his job,has a pregnant wife back home with no money to spend. They had stayed hungry for some one and a half days before they could find help.
Tell me what does the above tell us?
1. Are our morals blind-folded by the desire the kind of money software offers that irrespective of knowing that it might not stay for long we are still in the business?
2. Have we forgotten the rules of Spending-saving?
No Im not against the s/w industry that has given our country progress and brought a increase in our stature of living. But are we sane enough-not to let it control our minds?

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