Friday, March 6, 2009

sneak-peek ;)

Im a 20+engineering graduate who made it to the corporate sector through campus interview. I had my life planned-or so I thought. the one thing worse about graduating during recession times is that even though you get ur letter there is no news about your date of wait and wait until you realize that waiting has done no good at all. so you wake up and before you are ready you recieve a call. great going huh?!

well okie i might be a l'l different coz i decided to use my break(thats how i call it-9 mnths of doing nothin becomes meaningful when you give it a name,aint it?). I enrolled for a CAT coaching class. It was an eye-opener(come on, where else do you find smart GEN-Y's coming together). The classes were great-so many short-cuts,so many realizatns,a lot of knowledge gathering and a bunch of laughs. I learnt my plus and minus. I made a couple of great friends too. I attended all those mock exams and thought i have a big deal to go before i get qualified to take up MBA. I t was true. though i made a 93% in CAT and XAT I lost out on a couple of colleges. and here iam again hopin to sit for CAT 09-going through all that process again,trying my luck. Man, I need to Get IT!!

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