Monday, March 23, 2009

Define Strength -

Light at the other End of the Tunnel!!
Imagine yourself in a position where You find yourself travelling on a serene road... There is no tension or confusion-not even a drop of worry.. you are enjoying the wonderful scenery.. lost in itz sheer beauty. there are trees on either side of the road that are branched out enough to block most of the sunlight out of your eyes.. Itz sufficiently cool with a light breeze.. You walk down the road and suddenly the trees are less, the roads barren, the sun hot and the path rough...

The sudden change stirs up different emotions in me- part of me is adventurous, the other part a l'l scared to accept the change. But Instinct urges me forward and my steps are Cautious.. Im reminded of my earlier mistakes and I fervently hope I dont repeat them again..

But deep down Something tells me this will pass- I will enjoy this road just like I did the one before..

We all have these stages in life- Remember when we were in Kindergarden-Our parents dropped us at school- hey I was great until she dropped in in-until I found everybody around me crying.. I cried too my mom left me..(heck I don't even the way back home!! and my burly teacher didnt help either [:)] )

But We moved on at school and made friends and fought over perfumed rubber.. Those teacher's-pet days, rivalry, four lined notebook, home-lunch,G K one-word mug ups, map-place identifications...
Now I wouldnt honestly say I loved school but it sorta grew up on me that I couldnt let myself take a holiday coz I didnt want to miss the action.. Made 100 sack load of mistakes.. found wrong friends- there is this one time when we were in standard 4- we had a girl who was tall and she headed a gang, To be a part of her friend list was an honor in itself.. I was her Best Friend for years but one day she looked the other way!! Today she is a gal that is totally opposite of what she used to be-though we are never as good friends as we were but Life moved on and I found others..

Then it was when I stepped into my college- no idea of what ragging will be(though enthusiastically looking forward to it becoz it is a great way to break ice b/w seniors and juniors..) - But would you believe me if I tell you my seniors-as a part of ragging-made me finish their records especially the one with complex structural designs (that Im sure even they didnt understand!!).. But once again- I never loved college- It grew upon me to such a level that I acually missed college real bad after I got out of it.. Strange But True..

Again 10 months was bliss but my worry-bear caught up with me when I joined the company.. But hey if I have not learnt anything in the past 20 years I havent done much right.. So I decided to change one thing that I didnt know would change my Life..

People call it Attitude (Big word that scares me) - But I prefer to call it looking at life..

I read somewhere- You cannot always choose what you get in life.. But You can Always choose to like it.

So did I see a Change- too early to say- But Im enjoying every moment of life.. I keep telling myself Im going to win this thing no matter how hard I have to work.. I keep telling myself that this phase will pass..

If you ask me what Strength is I would tell you Itz not the lack of fear!!

It is the ability to make right decisions and go ahead with it-irrespective of the fear that might pull us down!!!

I have fear-I am afraid too - but hey Go Ahead and put up a bold face irrespective of your fears becoz nobody can tell the difference [:)]!!!!