Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The M- word

You guessed it right. (For all those who cant-itz a word that is synonym with commitment,adjustment, growing up). why did this come up inbetween? Well I definitely have a good reason for that-trust me in this one(okay maybe you cant- but hey this is my blog so just go with my flow right?)!! I had been to the wedding of one of the gals in my gang. The truth being hers is not the first one. We had 2 other gals get married sometime in the last 3 months-one of these gals literally gave me a shock when she sent me her marriage invitation coz my impression of her was that she was ambitious,flirty (healthy flirts-and stays within her limits) and modern, independent(totally my point of view). I thought she would want to work for a year or so-meet more guys:) then find herself someone suitable- I was proved wrong. She's married and happy in U.S. and mainly doesnt have any regrets(I think so).

This particular friend of mine has a different story. Her's is a love marriage. They knew each other for some two years even though they were family friends(the guy was in s'pore I guess that would explain the reason they ve not crossed each other's paths long before). they spoke on the pretext of her joining a MS course abroad and the relationship grew- their parents were happy enough to learn bout the guy in s'pore-got her married off. I would not say she's not happy But I think she's young atleast a l'l.

Now Im not a hater of marriages but I for one can never understand the concept behind them. be it Love marriage or Arranged ones. Both seem just the same except the fact that in the first one you have a inkling of what you are getting into-the second (ha ha!!) you simply cant imagine at all.

So Why do we get married?

There is a dialogue in the flick-"Shall We Dance" and it goes somewhat like this- "Itz not bout love or passion that drives us to get married. Sometimes we feel so lonely i this big planet that you want to have someone witness your life, someone to say I share your life, I am proof of your happiness,your sadness,your victory,your defeat, everything that you go through in life. Thats why we get married" ha how true!!

The next question my friend(with whom Im discussing the whole thing) asks me- So you think there is no concept of true love?

Before I can answer that I wish to confess that Im a big fan of "mills and boons" novels. the writing makes you go weak in the knees, makes you think of all good things life has to offer like cotton candies, rainbows, candle-light dinners, undying love- hey it doesnt help when you are writing a blog and still have after-effects of watching the movie -"While you were Sleeping". I like romantic flicks too.. end up going awww at the end of every happy ending and sometimes wish I could find myself a hunk who's rich, tall,dark and handsome,who will falll hopelessly in love with me and always do the right things(translate it to things I expect!!). Ha fair Chance m'Lady!!

The truth is I realize within a hour of my after-effects wearing away I can never spend my life with the ideal guy-coz that situation wants you to be a ideal feminine.. I can never be that(heck thats why itz called ideal right!!) I have my own faults-everybody does.

I know of so many of my friends who if given a choice would get married to their close friends (of opposite gender people!!! [:)]) just because they are comfortable with them. And frankly I think you fall in love with a person when you realize that you want to spend the rest of your life with them. So when you don't end up with the one you choose you probably feel bad, but time heals and before you realize you find yourself happy with this new person who understands you too-just in a different way.

Okie to the true love question!

I have a theory- I get up in the morning and have a ritual of walking in my terrace until the sun gets in my eyes. I was terribly afraid of crows(I still am) and there is this one dark thing that sits near our dish and keeps staring at me. Initially I was irked by its presence but slowly it grew up on me.. somedays I wouldnt see it all and somedays it would be there waiting for me.. I missed it when it didnt come-Yes I fell inlove with a crow [:)].

So here's the theory researched and developed by me- When you are constantly with someone it grows into a habit. When you lose them or when they go away it feels bad-but you always find someone new to share yourself with. and I believe every time you do that is true love. It doesnt come once and hey If you ask me its okay to have a couple of special people[not the same time folks]-itz afterall one life to live you know!!

And if people were to only marry the ones they love then only 10% of people would have a family!! (coz I read in a survey that 10% of lovers get successfull and end up in marriage-subject to increase in this GEN!!)

Just someone who will be there to say hey! nothing is lost and Itz ok to make mistakes-We will enjoy them(irrespective of the damage they ve done).

Someone with whom you can laugh about your own mis-givings,

Someone with whom you can act silly and still enjoy it,

Someone you can turn to when you feeling terribly low or high, Someone who's comfortable with you and you are comfortable with even when the both of you find yourself at the end of the world!! (too much of mills and boons influence [:)] ).

totally my point of view-tell me Am i asking much?


u109022 said...

Not at all yaar.. Any person in life deserves this much happiness at least..

Atmdeo said...

Hmm...i agree, especially with the reference to witness part in Shall we dance. One reason behind the rising divorces could be that people mistake infatuation for love and marry.

u109022 said...

long time. no new posts ?

dEeBeE ! said...

Hey Vini, u aint asking for much's just wat we all look for and desire..yeah..all this may exist in Fairy Tales and sometimes may just come true. One never knows and which is why we probably believe in something called "HOPE!"
Muah :)